Practice Areas


A contract is an essential part of a business relationship. We assists clients with drafting clear, comprehensive, and enforceable contracts that accurately reflect the terms and conditions of their business relationships. We also offer a comprehensive analysis and review of your existing contracts to assess the terms & conditions, rights, obligations, and potential risks & liabilities.


Are you ready to protect your brand? A registered trademark gives you the exclusive right to use your brand with the products or services you offer. Brand elements that can be protected include any: word, slogan/phrase, symbol, design, or combination of those elements.

We help entrepreneurs and businesses seamlessly navigate the process of registering, managing, and enforcing their trademarks. By registering your trademark, you will have the assurance that your brand is legally secure and protected.

All trademark packages include a comprehensive trademark search & search report, opinion letter, drafting and filing the trademark application, and current USPTO filing fees.

  • Clearance Searches

  • Statement of Use Filings

  • Office Action Responses

  • Maintenance and Renewal Filings


A copyright is an intellectual property right that protects an author’s original work of authorship if it is fixed in a tangible medium of expression.

As the owner of a registered copyright, you will have certain benefits including:

  • a legal presumption of ownership;

  • public notice of ownership;

  • the right to seek statutory damages; and

  • the right to bring a lawsuit for copyright infringement.

We help clients register their creative works with the Copyright Office to establish legal protection and ownership rights.

  • Preparing and filing Copyright application

  • Takedown notices

Business Strategy & Consulting

Our firm provides expert advice, guidance, and solutions to entrepreneurs and businesses on a variety of legal issues including compliance with applicable laws and regulations, policy review and drafting. We also advise on risk management strategies to mitigate legal exposure and potential liabilities.

  • Entity Formation

Comprehensive Trademark Search

Not ready to commit to a trademark package? Start with our comprehensive trademark search.

You created a brand people know and love only to find out that you have to rebrand. This search will help you identify any potential problems in pursuing a particular trademark before investing in branding and marketing or filing a trademark application. It is the first step to ensure that your name, logo, or slogan is available for use and registration without infringing on any existing trademarks.